dissabte, 12 de juliol del 2008

Això són sopranos!

Aquí van una sèrie de sopranos cantant del Do6 al Do7!

(me n'alegro tant de ser mezzo!) :)


Extret de YouTube:

Here are some famous opera sopranos singing the 12 notes of the 6th octave, the soprano octave. This octave is mostly female territory. Some males have entered the lower end of this octave by use of male head voice or strong falsetto but above E6 their sound is too thin (e.g. whistle), compared to the female head voice.

1. Birgit Nilsson singing a C6 in "O patria mia".

2. Beverly Sills singing a pretty flat D6 (with a undervibrato down to C#6) in "vieni fra queste".

3. Kathleen Battle singing a D6 in the Grossmächtigen Prinzessin aria.

4. Maria Callas singing a Eb6 in the mad scene.

5. Leontyne Price singing a E6 in "caro nome".

6. Natalie Dessay singing a F6 from "voix du printemps".

7. Natalie Dessay singing a F#6 from aria "duo de la mouche" by Offenbach.

8. Natalie Dessay singing two short G6 from the popoli di Tessaglia aria.

9. Natalie Dessay singing a G#6 from the aria "ombre legere" by Meyerbeer.

10. Mado Robin singing a A6 from her best of CD.

11. Mado Robin singing a Bb6 from her best of CD.

12. Mado Robin singing another Bb6 from the mad scene.

13. Marie-Sol Chevalier singing a C6 and then a C7!


1 comentari:

Anònim ha dit...

Hi ha límit per notes altes?. Quin patiment aquestes sopranos smbla veu que sembla que s'hagin de trencar, però és tot un mèrit. Ho diu una soprano que davant d'haver escoltat això ja dubta de que ho sigui.